CATMSGFMT(3C) UNICOS 10.0 Last changed: 3-26-98
catmsgfmt - Formats an error message
UNICOS systems:
#include <nl_types.h>
char *catmsgfmt (const char *cmdname, const char *groupcode, int
msgnum, const char *severity, const char *msgtext, char *buf,
int buflen [, const char *position [, const char *debug]]);
IRIX systems:
#include <nl_types.h>
char *catmsgfmt (const char *cmdname, const char *groupcode,
int msgnum, const char *severity, const char *msgtext, char *buf,
int buflen, const char *position, const char *debug);
UNICOS systems
IRIX systems
CRI extension
The catmsgfmt function produces a formatted message that consists of
the command name (cmdname), group code (groupcode), message number
(msgnum), severity level (severity), message text (msgtext), and
optional position (position) and debugging (debug) information. The
formatted message is placed in the user-supplied buffer, which is
pointed to by buf, and terminated with a null byte. If the formatted
message is longer than buflen bytes, it is truncated to buflen bytes
with a null byte.
The cmdname, groupcode, severity, msgtext, and optional position and
debug arguments are null-terminated strings. The command name
identifies the command or function issuing the error message.
Typically, the group code is the same value as that specified as the
name parameter on the catopen(3C) function. Typically, the message
number is the same value as that specified on the catgetmsg(3C) or
catgets(3C) function.
The position and debug arguments are optional. Their contents are
inserted in the error message only if provided and only if included in
the MSG_FORMAT environment variable. Specifying a null value for
either (or both) parameters is equivalent to not specifying either (or
both) parameters.
The MSG_FORMAT environment variable controls the formatting of the
message. If the MSG_FORMAT environment variable is not defined, a
default format is used. See the explain(1) man page for a description
of message formats and the MSG_FORMAT environment variable.
MSG_FORMAT can include an optional time stamp for the message. The
format of this time stamp is equivalent to that produced by the
cftime(3C) function and can be overridden by the CFTIME environment
variable. For a description of time-stamp formats, see the
strftime(3C) man page.
If successful, catmsgfmt returns a pointer to the user-supplied
buffer. If unsuccessful, it returns a null pointer.
catgetmsg(3C), catgets(3C), catopen(3C) describe message system
library functions
strftime(3C) describes time-stamp formatting
caterr(1), explain(1), gencat(1), whichcat(1) describe message system
user commands in the UNICOS User Commands Reference Manual,
publication SR-2011
nl_types(5) describes the file that defines message system variables
for use in programs in the UNICOS File Formats and Special Files
Reference Manual, publication SR-2014
Cray Message System Programmer's Guide, publication SG-2121, contains
details about all aspects of the message system
UNICOS System Libraries Reference Manual, publication SR-2080, for the
printed version of this man page.
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