tk(3Tk) tk(3Tk)
tk - Manipulate Tk internal state
tk option ?arg arg ...?
The tk command provides access to miscellaneous elements of Tk's internal
state. Most of the information manipulated by this command pertains to
the application as a whole, or to a screen or display, rather than to a
particular window. The command can take any of a number of different
forms depending on the option argument. The legal forms are:
tk appname ?newName?
If newName isn't specified, this command returns the name of the |
application (the name that may be used in send commands to |
communicate with the application). If newName is specified, then |
the name of the application is changed to newName. If the given |
name is already in use, then a suffix of the form `` #2'' or `` #3''|
is appended in order to make the name unique. The command's result |
is the name actually chosen. newName should not start with a |
capital letter. This will interfere with option processing, since |
names starting with capitals are assumed to be classes; as a |
result, Tk may not be able to find some options for the application.|
If sends have been disabled by deleting the send command, this |
command will reenable them and recreate the send command.
application name, send
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