ssperf - SpeedShop Performance Analyzer
ssperf <experiment-record> [... <experiment-record>]
Note: The version of ssperf in this release is not functional. PLEASE DO
NOT USE. Use prof instead.
ssperf presents a graphical display of the performance data gathered in a
SpeedShop Performance experiment(s) whose output data is given by the
command line arguments. The main window has a Experiment and status
component, a Function List component, and a TimeLine component.
The Experiment and Status-simply states the task or objective that the
user selected for this experiment.
The Function List-component is an annotated list of all the functions in
the program. The annotations available depend on the experiment task;
annotations can be enabled or disabled by bringing up the Preferences
Dialog from the Config menu. The data shown is for the time interval
selected by the TimeLine calipers.
The TimeLine component-displays the experiment as a set of events over
time, and provides calipers to allow the user to specify a interval of
There are also eight additional views:
Call Stack View-presents the callstack at the event currently selected,
either from the TimeLine component of the main window, or from any of the
event-list windows.
Butterfly View-presents the selected function in the center of the
window, with its callers above, and callees below. Each line contains
data covering the time interval selected by the calipers.
Fpe View-presents a list of all the fpe's (floating-point execeptions)
generated in the program, aggregated by common type and callstack.
LeakView-presents a list of all the memory leaks generated in the
program, aggregated by common callstack.
Malloc View-presents a list of all the malloc allocation generated in the
program, aggregated by common type and callstack.
Malloc Error View-presents a list of all the malloc errors made by the
program, aggregated by common type and callstack.
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Node View-presents a summary of all the data for a selected function.
Usage Graph View-presents a graphical display of the process resource
usage data in the form of stripcharts and event charts.
Usage View-presents a textual display of the process and system wide
resource usage data for the interval selected by the calipers.
Working Set View-presents a list of all the DSOs in the program, and, for
the selected DSO, a map of all of its pages, colored by the number of
instructions executed.
Source View-presents an annotated Source View, and is brought up by
double-clicking on any function in the function list, with the ``Source''
button on the main window or the Butterfly View, or by double-clicking on
any frame in the Call Stack View.
Disassembly View-presents an annotated Disassembled View of the currently
selected function.
speedshop(1), ssrun(1), ssprof(1), ssmalloc(3), on-line help for ssperf.
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