dlook - a tool for showing memory and process placement
dlook [-sample n] [-mapped] [-text] [-out file] [-v[erbose]]
[-p[hysical]] [-c[olor]] command [args]
The given command is executed and after each child process exits dlook
shows where each process was running when it exited and how its stack and
heap data was placed with page size information. If sampling is enabled,
this data is also displayed at regular intervals.
-sample n
Sample each process approximately every n seconds. The default is no
Show where mapped memory regions with addresses below text are
Show how program text data is placed.
-out file
Output is sent to file rather than standard error.
Show dlook parameters and more detail.
Show virtual to physical address mappings.
Show secondary cache page colors. Automatically enables the
-p[hysical] option.
To show memory and thread placement for a program called a.out that
would normally be run by
% a.out < in > out
and place the resuls in a file called output one would simply
% dlook -out output a.out < in > out .
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