List_tape - list the contents of a given backup tape
List_tape [ -v ] [ -h hostname ] [ -t tapedevice ]
The List_tape command lists the contents of a system backup tape made
with Backup(1), cpio(1), tar(1), or bru(1).
If a tape drive attached to a remote host is used, the name of the
remote host needs to be specified with the -h hostname option on the
command line. For remote listing to successfully work, the user should
have a TCP/IP network connection to the remote host and also have "guest"
rsh privileges on that host.
If the local or remote tape device is pointed to by a device file other
than /dev/tape, the device should be specified by the -t tapedevice
option. The -v option performs a verify pass, comparing the files in the
backup with the files in the filesystem. This requires that either the
files have a full pathname in the archive ( Backup uses relative
pathnames), or that the label file be present, with the directory in the
last field on the label: line, or that the List_tape command be used in
the same directory where the backup was made.
The List_tape command only works with the formats mentioned above and
displays the extra info added by Backup(1) or the system backup tool, if
Backup(1), Restore(1), bru(1), cpio(1), tar(1).
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