IvToRib - convert an Open Inventor 2.0 file to a Renderman .rib file
IvToRib [-h] [-q] [-v verbose_setting] <infile> <outfile>
IvToRib converts an Open Inventor 2.0 file into a Renderman 3.0.3 .RIB
data file. Copyright (c) Acuris, Inc. 1995.
Command Line Options
Typically, IvToRib expects an Open Inventor file to be specified on the
command line after all command option switches. If no Open Inventor file
is specified on the command line, IvToRib will read from standard input
(stdin). By default, IvToRib writes the converted data to standard
output (stdout) and messages to standard error (stderr).
-h Prints a program usage message to standard error (stderr).
-q Quiet mode - no error messages output.
-v Specifies verbose output for debugging purposes.
<infile> Specifies the name of the Open Inventor file to read and
convert. If no file is specified, the program will be read from
standard input (stdin).
<outfile> Specifies the name of the Renderman file to use for output. If
no file is specified, the program will output to standard out
/usr/Inventor/bin/IvToRib Program file
Renderman is a trademark of Pixar, Open Inventor is a trademark of
Silicon Graphics Inc.
IvToRib is a Copyright (c) of Acuris Inc., 1995 Acuris Inc. 931 Hamilton
Av, Menlo Park, CA, 94025 - Tel. 415 329 1920 - Fax. 415 329 1928 e-mail:
[email protected]
AliasToIv, DxfToIv, SlaToIv, ObjToIv, and SoftimageToIv
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