dtimsstartaction(5) -- CDE input method server actions
The CDE Input Method Server Services support the following input method server actions: DtImsMode Change the IM Selection Mode. This action is located at Desktop_Tools in the Application Manager. |
dtinfoaction(5) -- CDE information management actions
The CDE Information Management Services support the following information management actions: DtLoadInfoLib filename Load the information library specified by filename, which can be either a relative or absolute file path. If filename is not specified, dtinfo displays the default information library(s). Open filename Load the information library specified by filename. Remaps to DtLoadInfoLib filen... |
dtinfoaf(5) -- dtinfo architectural forms
dtinfo.af provides entity definitions for the dtinfo architectural forms. While these are not required, using them minimizes updating your DTDs as features are added to the Dtinfo Toolkit. You can also find an ASCII file of the dtinfo.af in /usr/dt/infolib/%L/SGML/dtinfo.af. For information on applying dtinfo architectural forms to your DTDs, see "Modifying Your Existing DTD" in CDE: Information... |
dtinfoBookdtd(5) -- dtinfo bookcase document type definition
This is the document type definition for bookcases under dtinfo. You can also find an ASCII file of the dtinfoBook.dtd in /usr/dt/infolib/%L/SGML/dtinfoBook.dtd. The bookcase DTD is defined as follows: |
DtInfoLib(5) -- collection of book cases for browsing with dtinfo
DtInfoLib is a desktop object representing a collection of book cases of documents that can be accessed through the CDE Information Manager. DtInfoLib data criteria and data attributes are identified for use by desktop facilities. These are part of the CDE built-in data types. DtInfoLib is a directory that contains the collection of book cases available for a given information library. The content... |
dtinfoStyledtd(5) -- dtinfo style sheet document type definition
dtinfoStyle.dtd describes the SGML features available for specifying how a document should be rendered. Style sheets associate the elements in a given document hierarchy with on-line or print formatting characteristics, and are part of the DtInfo Toolkit. With dtinfo, you use a single style sheet to specify both print and online rendering of the elements in your DTD. The print and online feature s... |
dtinfoTOCdtd(5) -- dtinfo table of contents document type definition
This is the document type definition for tables of contents under dtinfo. You can also find an ASCII file of the dtinfoTOC.dtd in /usr/dt/infolib/%L/SGML/dtinfoTOC.dtd. The table of contents DTD is defined as follows: