tt_pattern_scope_add(3) -- add a value to the scope field for a pattern
The tt_pattern_scope_add function adds a value to the scope field for the specified pattern. The p argument is a unique handle for a message pattern. This handle is returned after tt_pattern_create(3) is called. The s argument specifies what processes are eligible to receive the message. The following values are defined: TT_SESSION All processes joined to the indicated session are eligible. TT_FIL... |
tt_pattern_sender_add(3) -- add a value to the sender field for a pattern
The tt_pattern_sender_add function adds a value to the sender field for the specified pattern. The p argument is a unique handle for a message pattern. This handle is returned after tt_pattern_create(3) is called. The procid argument is the character value that uniquely identifies the process of interest. |
tt_pattern_sender_ptype_add(3) -- add a value to the sending process's ptype field for a pattern
The tt_pattern_sender_ptype_add function adds a value to the sending process's ptype field for the specified pattern. The p argument is a unique handle for a message pattern. This handle is returned after tt_pattern_create(3) is called. The ptid argument is the character string that uniquely identifies the type of process in which the application is interested. |
tt_pattern_session_add(3) -- adds a value to the session field for a pattern
The tt_pattern_session_add function adds a value to the session field for the specified pattern. When the process joins a session, the ToolTalk service updates the session field of its registered patterns. The p argument is a unique handle for a message pattern. This handle is returned after tt_pattern_create(3) is called. The sessid argument is the session of interest. |
tt_pattern_state_add(3) -- add a value to the state field for a pattern
The tt_pattern_state_add function adds a value to the state field for the specified pattern. The p argument is a unique handle for a message pattern. This handle is returned after tt_pattern_create(3) is called. The s argument indicates the current delivery state of a message. The following values are defined: TT_CREATED The message has been created, but not yet sent. TT_SENT The message has been ... |
tt_pattern_unregister(3) -- unregister a pattern from the ToolTalk service
The tt_pattern_unregister function unregisters the specified pattern from the ToolTalk service. The process will stop receiving messages that match this pattern. The p argument is a unique handle for a message pattern. This handle is returned after tt_pattern_create(3) is called. |
tt_pattern_user(3) -- return the value in a user data cell for a pattern object
The tt_pattern_user function returns the value in the indicated user data cell for the specified pattern object. Every pattern object allows an arbitrary number of user data cells that are each one word in size. The user data cells are identified by integer keys. The tool can use these keys in any manner to associate arbitrary data with a pattern object. The user data is part of the pattern object... |
tt_pattern_user_set(3) -- store information in the user data cells of a pattern object
The tt_pattern_user_set function stores information in the user data cells associated with the specified pattern object. The p argument is a unique handle for a message pattern. This handle is returned after tt_pattern_create(3) is called. The key argument is the specified user data cell. The value for each data cell must be unique for this pattern. The v argument is the data cell, a piece of arbi... |
tt_pattern_xarg_add(3) -- add a new argument with an interpreted XDR value to a pattern object
The tt_pattern_xarg_add function adds a new argument with an interpreted XDR value to a pattern object. The m argument is the opaque handle for the pattern involved in this operation. The n argument specifies who (sender, handler, observers) writes and reads a pattern argument. The following modes are defined: TT_IN The argument is written by the sender and read by the handler and any observers. T... |
tt_pattern_xcontext_add(3) -- add an XDR-interpreted byte-array value to this pattern's named context
The tt_pattern_xcontext_add function adds an XDR-interpreted bytearray value to the values in this pattern's named context. The p argument is the opaque handle for the pattern involved in this operation. The slotname argument describes the context for this pattern. The xdr_proc argument points to the XDR procedure to be used to serialize the data pointed to by value. The value argument is the dat... |
tt_pnotice_create(3) -- create a procedure notice
The tt_pnotice_create function creates a message. The created message contains the following: Tt_address = TT_PROCEDURE Tt_class = TT_NOTICE The application can use the returned handle to add arguments and other attributes, and to send the message. The scope argument determines which processes are eligible to receive the message. The following values are defined: TT_SESSION All processes joined to... |
tt_pointer_error(3) -- return the status of a pointer
The tt_pointer_error function returns the status of the specified pointer. If an opaque pointer (Tt_message or Tt_pattern) or character pointer (char *) is specified, this function returns TT_OK if the pointer is valid or the encoded Tt_status value if the pointer is an error object. The pointer argument is the opaque pointer or character pointer to be checked. |
tt_prequest_create(3) -- create a procedure request message
The tt_prequest_create function creates a message. The created message created contains the following: Tt_address = TT_PROCEDURE Tt_class = TT_REQUEST The application can use the returned handle to add arguments and other attributes, and to send the message. The scope argument determines which processes are eligible to receive the message. The following values are defined: TT_SESSION All processes... |
tt_procid_session(3) -- identify the session in which a procid was opened
The tt_procid_session function returns the identifier of the session in which the specified procid was opened. The return value points to the sessid for the session associated with the procid. When the sessid value is no longer needed, it must be freed with tt_free. |
tt_ptr_error(3) -- pointer error macro
The tt_ptr_error macro expands to tt_pointer_error((void *)(p)). The pointer argument is the opaque pointer or character pointer to be checked. |