XmRenderTableGetTags(3) -- A convenience function that gets rendition tags
XmRenderTableGetTags searches the specified table for the XmNtag resources of all the renditions (XmRenditions) entries. These tag resources are then composed into an array. table Specifies the table containing the XmRenditions. tag_list Is the array of XmStringTags generated by this function. The function allocates space to hold the returned tags and to hold the tag_list itself. The application i... |
XmRenderTableRemoveRenditions(3) -- A convenience function that removes renditions
XmRenderTableRemoveRenditions removes from oldtable the renditions whose tags match the tags specified in tags, then places the remaining renditions in a newly created render table. oldtable Specifies the render table from which renditions are to be removed. This function deallocates the original render table and the matching renditions after extracting the required information. tags Specifies an ... |
XmRendition(3) -- The Rendition registry
XmRendition is a pseudo widget used for the rendering of XmStrings. XmRendition has two parts: XmStringTag and rendering information. The XmStringTag part can be matched with an XmStringTag associated with a LOCALE, CHARSET, or RENDITION[BEGIN|END] component within XmString. The rendering information contains information about the font or fontset, colors, tabs, and lines to be used in rendering a ... |
XmRenditionCreate(3) -- A convenience function that creates a rendition
XmRenditionCreate creates a rendition whose resources are set to the values specified in arglist. Default values are assigned to resources that are not specified. widget Specifies the widget used for deriving any necessary information for creating the rendition. In particular, the X display of widget will be used for loading fonts. tag Specifies the tag for the rendition. (This will become the XmN... |
XmRenditionFree(3) -- A convenience function that frees a rendition
XmRenditionFree recovers memory used by rendition. rendition Specifies the rendition to be freed. |
XmRenditionRetrieve(3) -- A convenience function that retrieves rendition resources
XmRenditionRetrieve extracts values for the given resources (arglist) from the specified rendition. Note that the function returns the actual values of the resources, not copies. Therefore it is necessary to copy before modifying any resource whose value is an address. This will include such resources as XmNfontName, XmNfont, and XmNtabList. rendition Specifies the rendition. arglist Specifies the... |
XmRenditionUpdate(3) -- A convenience function that modifies resources
XmRenditionUpdate modifies resources in the specified rendition. rendition Specifies the rendition. arglist Specifies the argument list. argcount Specifies the number of attribute/value pairs in the argument list (arglist). |
XmRepTypeAddReverse(3) -- A representation type manager function that installs the reverse converter for a previously registered represe
XmRepTypeAddReverse installs the reverse converter for a previously registered representation type. The reverse converter takes a numerical representation type value and returns its corresponding string value. Certain applications may require this capability to obtain a string value to display on a screen or to build a resource file. The values argument of the XmRepTypeRegister function can be use... |
XmRepTypeGetId(3) -- A representation type manager function that retrieves the identification number of a representation type
XmRepTypeGetId searches the registration list for the specified representation type and returns the associated identification number. rep_type Specifies the representation type for which an identification number is requested |
XmRepTypeGetNameList(3) -- A representation type manager function that generates a list of values for a representation type
XmRepTypeGetNameList generates a NULL-terminated list of the value names associated with the specified representation type. Each value name is a NULL-terminated string. This routine allocates memory for the returned data. The application must free this memory using XtFree. rep_type_id Specifies the identification number of the representation type. use_uppercase_format Specifies a Boolean value tha... |
XmRepTypeGetRecord(3) -- A representation type manager function that returns information about a representation type
XmRepTypeGetRecord retrieves information about a particular representation type that is registered with the representation type manager. This routine allocates memory for the returned data. The application must free this memory using XtFree. rep_type_id The identification number of the representation type The representation type entry structure contains the following information: typedef struct { ... |
XmRepTypeGetRegistered(3) -- A representation type manager function that returns a copy of the registration list
XmRepTypeGetRegistered retrieves information about all representation types that are registered with the representation type manager. The registration list is an array of structures, each of which contains information for a representation type entry. The end of the registration list is marked with a representation type entry whose rep_type_name field has a NULL pointer. This routine allocates memo... |
XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConvert(3) -- A representation type manager function that installs the resource converter for XmNtearOffModel.
XmRepTypeInstallTearOffModelConverter installs the resource converter that allows values for the XmNtearOffModel resource to be specified in resource default files. |
XmRepTypeRegister(3) -- A representation type manager function that registers a representation type resource
XmRepTypeRegister registers a representation type resource with the representation type manager. All features of the representation type management facility become available for the specified representation type. The function installs a forward type converter to convert string values to numerical representation type values. When the values argument is NULL, consecutive numerical values are assumed... |
XmRepTypeValidValue(3) -- A representation type manager function that tests the validity of a numerical value of a representation type r
XmRepTypeValidValue tests the validity of a numerical value for a given representation type resource. The function generates a default warning message if the value is invalid and the enable_default_warning argument is non-NULL. rep_type_id Specifies the identification number of the representation type. test_value Specifies the numerical value to test. enable_default_warning Specifies the ID of the... |