parmgr(1M) parmgr(1M)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
parmgr - Start or stop Partition Manager
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
Path: /opt/parmgr/bin
parmgr [-h] [-F]
parmgr -s {start|stop|status|restart}
parmgr -t create [-F]
parmgr -t modify -p nPartition_id [-F]
parmgr -t par_details -p nPartition_id [-F]
parmgr -t cell_details -c {cab_num/slot_num |global_cell_num} [-F]
parmgr -t io_details -i cab_num/bay_num/chassis_num [-F]
parmgr -t complex_details [-F]
The parmgr command starts or stops the HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet
Engine (a component in the HP-UX Web Server Suite) and by default
starts a client Web browser running Partition Manager. Partition
Manager is a Web-based application that allows system administrators
to use a convenient graphical user interface to configure and manage
nPartitions on HP server systems. Partition Manager also provides
automatic detection of several types of nPartition configuration
Partition Manager can also be started without using this command, by
launching it from sam(1M) or HP Servicecontrol Manager, or by
directing a Web browser to an already running HP-UX Tomcat-based
Servlet Engine with Partition Manager installed.
Partition Manager runs within the HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine.
The Servlet Engine may be running on an nPartition in the complex
being managed, or may be running on a different network node. If the
Servlet Engine is not already running, the parmgr command will start
it, and will stop it after a period of 1 to 2 hours of inactivity. If
the Servlet Engine was already running, parmgr will leave it running.
Note: Starting the Servlet Engine requires root permissions.
Partition Manager uses HP WBEM Services provided by a CIM Server to
obtain information about nPartitions. Refer to the CIM Server section
below for information about configuring and running the CIM Server.
Interaction with local nPartitions occurs over the IPMI BT interface.
Interaction with remote complexes occurs over the IPMI over LAN
interfaces. See the User Authentication section below for additional
Partition Manager interacts with the user through a Web browser
running on a client system. The client system may be the same as the
server system, or it may be a separate workstation or PC. Not all Web
browsers are supported by Partition Manager. On workstations and
servers running HP-UX 11i v2 (B.11.23), Partition Manager supports the
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use of the default Web browser that is installed by the Operating
Environment bundle. On PCs, Partition Manager supports the use of
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 and Netscape version 7.0.
By default, the parmgr command will start the client Web browser. If
the Web browser is already running, parmgr will attempt to use the
existing browser window. The Web browser will be pointed to the HP
Servicecontrol Manager login screen. After logging in and
authenticating your identity, Partition Manager will start.
Partition Manager will only start the Web browser if it can determine
that the communication between the X server and the client Web browser
is secure, or if the -F option is used.
The parmgr command can also be used to start or stop the Servlet
Engine without starting a Web browser. See the description of the -s
option below for details.
Note: If none of the -t options are used, Partition Manager will
start in the complex scope hardware view. However, if
Partition Manager detects any possible configuration
problems in the complex, the analyze complex health action
will be displayed first. To start Partition Manager in a
different view, use the -t options described in the
following section.
Options [Toc] [Back]
The following options can be used on the command line.
-h Display help about the command line parameters, then exit.
-F Force a client Web browser to be used, even though parmgr
cannot determine if the communication between the X server
and the client browser is secure. Use this option if the
security of X traffic is not an issue in your environment.
When parmgr is invoked by sam(1M), the -F option is used.
If the security of network traffic is a concern in your
environment, do not launch Partition Manager from sam.
-s {start|stop|status|restart}
This option is used to manage the HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet
Engine without starting a client Web browser.
start Start the HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine
without starting a client Web browser. No error
occurs if the Servlet Engine is already running.
If started this way, the Servlet Engine will run
until it is explicitly stopped, or the system is
rebooted. You must have root permissions to use
this option.
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parmgr(1M) parmgr(1M)
stop Stop the running HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet
Engine. You must have root permissions to use
this option.
status Display the status of the HP-UX Tomcat-based
Servlet Engine.
restart Stop and then start the HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet
Engine. You must have root permissions to use
this option.
Once the HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine has been started,
you can access Partition Manager from any workstation or PC
simply by pointing a supported Web browser to:
-t create Create a new nPartition by starting Partition Manager in the
create nPartition action.
-t modify -p nPartition_id
Modify the nPartition identified by the -p option, by
starting Partition Manager in the modify nPartition action.
The nPartition is selected by its partition number.
-t par_details -p nPartition_id
Display details about the nPartition identified by the -p
option, by starting Partition Manager in the partition scope
hardware view. The nPartition is selected by its partition
number. If Partition Manager detects any possible
configuration problems in the complex, the analyze complex
health action will be displayed first.
-t cell_details -c {cab_num/slot_num |global_cell_num}
Display details about the cell identified by the -c option,
by starting Partition Manager in the cell scope general
view. The cell is selected by its cabinet number and slot
number, or by its global cell number. If Partition Manager
detects any possible configuration problems in the complex,
the analyze complex health action will be displayed first.
-t io_details -i cab_num/bay_num/chassis_num
Display details about the I/O chassis identified by the -i
option, by starting Partition Manager in the I/O chassis
scope general view. The I/O chassis is selected by its
cabinet number, I/O bay number, and I/O chassis slot number.
If Partition Manager detects any possible configuration
problems in the complex, the analyze complex health action
will be displayed first.
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-t complex_details
Display details about the entire complex by starting
Partition Manager in the show complex details action. If
Partition Manager detects any possible configuration
problems in the complex, the analyze complex health action
will be displayed first.
User Authentication [Toc] [Back]
Your access to Partition Manager depends on whether you are a
privileged user or a non-privileged user. Non-privileged users can
only view information, and cannot perform any tasks that change the
remote nPartition or the complex that it belongs to. Privileged users
can perform all tasks in Partition Manager (refer to the nPartition
Configuration Privilege section below for information about
restrictions that may apply to privileged users).
When your Web browser connects to Partition Manager, your identity is
authenticated in two stages.
1. The HP Servicecontrol Manager login screen requests your user
name and password. If you are running on a local nPartition,
Partition Manager will then start immediately. If the user
name represents a privileged user on the local system you will
have privileged access.
2. If you are not running Partition Manager on a local
nPartition, you must provide additional credentials for access
to a remote system. You will be presented with two choices.
A remote nPartition [Toc] [Back]
To manage a remote nPartition (and the complex that
it belongs to), you must provide the hostname or IP
address of the nPartition, a user name known to the
remote nPartition, and the password associated with
that user name. The user name defaults to the user
name entered at the HP Servicecontrol Manager login
screen. After filling in the fields, click Connect
to remote nPartition.
Partition Manager will communicate with the remote
nPartition via WBEM, using the supplied user name
and password. If the user name represents a
privileged user on the remote nPartition you will
have privileged access.
If the WBEM user name and password is not valid on
all nPartitions in the complex, then Partition
Manager will be unable to obtain some information
from other nPartitions. To simplify management of a
complex, use a consistent set of WBEM user names and
passwords on all nPartitions in the complex.
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A remote partitionable complex [Toc] [Back]
To manage a remote complex via IPMI over LAN, you
must provide the hostname or IP address of the
service processor on the remote complex and the IPMI
password for that service processor. (The IPMI
password can be set or changed by logging on to the
service processor and using the SO command from the
Command Menu.) After filling in the fields, click
Connect to remote complex.
If an error is reported when you attempt to connect
using this option, check to see that IPMI over LAN
access has not been disabled on the remote service
processor. Access to the complex via IPMI over LAN
can be enabled or disabled by logging on to the
service processor and using the SA command from the
Command Menu.
Within Partition Manager, you can use the Switch Complexes
action from the Partition Manager Tools menu to display these
choices. You can then select a different complex to be
Ending the Session [Toc] [Back]
If Partition Manager sees no activity for approximately 30 minutes,
the HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine session will expire. You will
have to login again at the HP Servicecontrol Manager login screen in
order to continue. To end the session manually, click on the
Partition Manager Logoff link at the top right of the screen.
Online Help [Toc] [Back]
Detailed information about using Partition Manager is provided in the
online help. The help consists of a set of HTML files installed at
/opt/hpwebadmin/webapps/mxhelp/parmgr/en/. From Partition Manager,
use the Help menu or Help button to display context-sensitive help.
Environment Variables
DISPLAY Specifies the X server to be used as the display by the
client Web browser. This variable must be set if parmgr is
used to start the Web browser.
BROWSER Specifies the path to the client Web browser. If a
supported Web browser is installed at the default location,
this variable will not be used. Otherwise, this variable
must be set for parmgr to be able to start the Web browser.
Partition Commands [Toc] [Back]
Partition Manager executes partition(1) commands to perform
administration functions.
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CIM Server [Toc] [Back]
The CIM server implements the Common Information Model for HP WBEM
Services. Partition Manager depends on the CIM server in the
following ways.
+ When Partition Manager is running on an nPartition to manage
the local complex, then the CIM server must be running on the
local nPartition.
+ When Partition Manager is connected to the service processor
of a remote partitionable system via IPMI over LAN, then the
CIM server must be running on the system that Partition
Manager is running on.
+ When Partition Manager is connected to a remote nPartition via
WBEM, then the CIM server must be running on that remote
nPartition. In order to connect in this manner, you may need
to perform the following additional configuration steps.
1. In order to connect as a privileged user, the
enableRemotePrivilegedUserAccess parameter on the CIM
server running on the remote nPartition must be set to
true. This is the default setting, but it may have been
changed by a system administrator. Use the cimconfig(1M)
command to check or change the setting of this parameter.
Restart the CIM server after making any configuration
If you are not connected as a privileged user, you will
only be able to view information in Partition Manager. You
will not be able to perform any tasks that change the
remote nPartition or the complex that it belongs to.
2. Partition Manager uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
connections between the client and the CIM server. The CIM
server must have SSL connections enabled (the
enableHttpsConnection parameter must be set to true). Use
the cimconfig(1M) command to check or change the setting of
this parameter. Restart the CIM server after making any
configuration changes.
3. By default, Partition Manager validates the certificates
used with SSL connections. This means that the client
Certificate Trust Store must include the server
certificates from the remote nPartition. Refer to the
Managing SSL Certificates section below for instructions on
exporting and importing certificates.
If your environment does not require the additional
security provided by certificate validation, you can
disable this feature. To do so, remove the comment prefix
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(//) from the following line in the file
For more information about configuring the CIM server, refer to the
cimconfig(1M) and cimserver(1M) manpages.
Managing SSL Certificates [Toc] [Back]
To enable SSL certificate validation in Partition Manager, you must
export the server certificates from the remote CIM server(s) that you
want to connect to, and import those certificates into the CIM
client's keystore. Follow the steps below.
On the CIM Server:
1. Export the Certificate
/opt/wbem/sbin/openssl x509 -in /var/opt/wbem/server.pem \
-out server.cer
2. Copy the server.cer file to the client system.
On the Client:
1. Retrieve the password to the keystore.
/opt/mx/bin/mxpassword -l -x MxKeystorePassword
2. Import the certificate into the keystore.
/opt/mx/j2re/bin/keytool -import \
-alias client_hostname \
-file server.cer \
-keystore /etc/opt/mx/config/security/certificates
When prompted, enter the password to the keystore (retrieved
in the previous step).
3. To enable certificate validation for the partition(1) commands
used by Partition Manager, append the contents of server.cer
to the end of the file /var/opt/wbem/client.pem.
4. Restart the HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine.
/opt/parmgr/bin/parmgr -s restart
nPartition Configuration Privilege
When running Partition Manager on a local nPartition, or when
connecting via WBEM to a remote nPartition, the ability to perform
configuration operations on a complex is affected by the setting of
the nPartition Configuration Privilege. If the privilege is
unrestricted, all configuration operations are permitted. If the
privilege is restricted, then you will only be able to perform
operations that affect the local or remote nPartition, and no
operation that modifies the Stable Complex Configuration Data will be
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permitted (including adding and deleting nPartitions).
The default setting of the nPartition Configuration Privilege is
unrestricted. The setting can be changed by logging onto the service
processor and using the PARPERM command from the Command Menu.
The parmgr command will return one of the following exit codes.
0 Successful.
1 An error occurred when starting Partition Manager, the HP-UX
Tomcat-based Servlet Engine, or the client Web browser.
2 The parmgr command was invoked with invalid parameters.
EXAMPLES [Toc] [Back]
Start the HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine and the client Web browser
on the local host.
Start the HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine and leave it running. Do
not start a client Web browser.
parmgr -s start
Start the HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine and the client Web
browser, displaying details about the I/O chassis in cabinet 0, I/O
bay 1, I/O chassis number 3.
parmgr -t io_details -i 0/1/3
WARNINGS [Toc] [Back]
When managing a remote partitionable complex, the performance degrades
when the connection traverses long network distances, e.g. managing a
partitionable complex in California from a system in New York.
Furthermore, when managing a remote system, performance can be
improved by connecting to a remote nPartition, rather than connecting
directly to the remote system's service processor.
A noticeable delay may occur the first time that each Partition
Manager view is displayed after the HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine
is started or restarted. This is due to the initial compilation of
Java Server Pages. Once a given view has been displayed, subsequent
displays of that view will be significantly faster.
When managing a remote system, possible performance improvements can
be obtained by running the Web browser on the local system, instead of
running the browser remotely to a local X Server.
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The nPartition provider maintains a cache of information about systems
being managed. This cache is cleared when the nPartition Provider is
unloaded by the CIM server. Performance may be reduced when managing
a system for the first time, or immediately after the CIM server has
been restarted. Subsequent management sessions of the same system
will be faster.
When using Partition Manager, be aware of the following limitations
concerning commonly used Web browser features.
+ The browser's Back and Forward buttons should be avoided,
especially when using checkboxes to select items, and in the
Create nPartition and Modify nPartition tasks. Instead,
navigate around Partition Manager by:
1. clicking on hyperlinks;
2. clicking on cell and I/O chassis icons;
3. clicking on navigation buttons at the bottom of task
+ The browser's Refresh or Reload button does not cause
Partition Manager to update the displayed data. Instead, use
Partition Manager's Refresh button at the top right of the
window, or use the Refresh Data action from the Tools menu.
AUTHORS [Toc] [Back]
parmgr was developed by Hewlett-Packard.
FILES [Toc] [Back]
Partition Manager creates or writes to the following files on the
server host.
Partition Manager events are logged to this file. This log
can be viewed from within Partition Manager by the Show Log
File menu action. It can also be viewed outside of
Partition Manager by samlog_viewer(1).
The HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine maintains log files in
this directory.
Partition Manager creates temporary files in this directory.
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
partition(1), cimauth(1M), cimconfig(1M), cimserver(1M),
mxinitconfig(1M), mxnodesecurity(1M), sam(1M), samlog_viewer(1)
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parmgr(1M) parmgr(1M)
HP System Partitions Guide: Administration for nPartitions. This
document can be found on the HP Technical Documentation Server
Partition Manager online help, installed at
Partition Manager Web site:
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