warnc(3) -- formatted error messages
The err() and warn() family of functions display a formatted error message on the standard error output, or on another file specified using the err_set_file() function. In all cases, the last componen... |
warnx(3) -- formatted error messages
The err() and warn() family of functions display a formatted error message on the standard error output, or on another file specified using the err_set_file() function. In all cases, the last componen... |
wattroff(3) -- curses character and window attribute control routines
These routines manipulate the current attributes of the named window. The current attributes of a window apply to all characters that are written into the window with waddch, waddstr and wprintw. Attr... |
wattron(3) -- curses character and window attribute control routines
These routines manipulate the current attributes of the named window. The current attributes of a window apply to all characters that are written into the window with waddch, waddstr and wprintw. Attr... |
wattrset(3) -- curses character and window attribute control routines
These routines manipulate the current attributes of the named window. The current attributes of a window apply to all characters that are written into the window with waddch, waddstr and wprintw. Attr... |
wattr_get(3) -- curses character and window attribute control routines
These routines manipulate the current attributes of the named window. The current attributes of a window apply to all characters that are written into the window with waddch, waddstr and wprintw. Attr... |
wattr_off(3) -- curses character and window attribute control routines
These routines manipulate the current attributes of the named window. The current attributes of a window apply to all characters that are written into the window with waddch, waddstr and wprintw. Attr... |
wattr_on(3) -- curses character and window attribute control routines
These routines manipulate the current attributes of the named window. The current attributes of a window apply to all characters that are written into the window with waddch, waddstr and wprintw. Attr... |
wattr_set(3) -- curses character and window attribute control routines
These routines manipulate the current attributes of the named window. The current attributes of a window apply to all characters that are written into the window with waddch, waddstr and wprintw. Attr... |
wbkgd(3) -- curses window background manipulation routines
The bkgdset and wbkgdset routines manipulate the background of the named window. The window background is a chtype consisting of any combination of attributes (i.e., rendition) and a character. The at... |
wbkgdset(3) -- curses window background manipulation routines
The bkgdset and wbkgdset routines manipulate the background of the named window. The window background is a chtype consisting of any combination of attributes (i.e., rendition) and a character. The at... |
wborder(3) -- create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines
The border, wborder and box routines draw a box around the edges of a window. Other than the window, each argument is a character with attributes: ls - left side, rs - right side, ts - top side, bs - ... |
wchgat(3) -- curses character and window attribute control routines
These routines manipulate the current attributes of the named window. The current attributes of a window apply to all characters that are written into the window with waddch, waddstr and wprintw. Attr... |
wclear(3) -- clear all or part of a curses window
The erase and werase routines copy blanks to every position in the window, clearing the screen. The clear and wclear routines are like erase and werase, but they also call clearok, so that the screen ... |
wclrtobot(3) -- clear all or part of a curses window
The erase and werase routines copy blanks to every position in the window, clearing the screen. The clear and wclear routines are like erase and werase, but they also call clearok, so that the screen ... |